The Bold and the Beautiful has tried to shed light on the issue of homelessness via on-screen visits to Skid Row (an area of downtown Los Angeles that holds the largest stable population of homeless people in the United States) as well as the introduction of former homeless character, Maya Avant. And now, Rena Sofer (Quinn Fuller) is doing her part to shed light on the heartbreaking issue, as well.
The actress has started a Union Rescue Mission fundraising page with the hope that fans will help her put a stop to Americans facing the reality of having no roof over their heads.
"I am fundraising for URM Fundraiser with my athletic event page because I want to help end homelessness in Los Angeles," she says. "Your support will benefit URM's mission in ending homelessness, as well as healing families, helping men and women overcome addictions, and transforming lives."
Union Rescue Mission is an organization dedicated to serving men, women, and children experiencing homelessness. They provide comprehensive emergency and long-term services to guests to help them escape the dangerous streets of Skid Row. B&B's executive producer, Bradley P. Bell, and several of the show's stars -- including Sofer -- have partnered with the organization on multiple occasions to serve Thanksgiving dinner to L.A.'s homeless population.
For more information on URM and to donate to Sofer's cause, visit her fundraising page here.
What do you think of Sofer's efforts to help end the problem of homelessness? Do you support B&B's decision to shed light on the issue via hard-hitting storylines and the introduction of homeless characters? Would you like to see more B&B stories that deal with homeless? Share your thoughts in our Comments section below or on our message boards, or you can click here to submit feedback.