Chanel learns the reason for her miscarriage

Days of our Lives Recap for Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Kate visited the Carver-Price residence to deliver her condolences, but Abe was alone. "How is Chanel?" Kate asked. "She's taking it pretty hard," Abe said. Kate asked about Paulina. "She's also taking it hard. You know, she's heartbroken for her daughter, and she blames herself for the miscarriage," Abe said. Kate asked why. Abe reminded Kate that Paulina had exposed Chanel to radiation.

"So, she thinks that's the reason that Chanel lost the baby?" Kate asked. "[Paulina] thinks it could be the reason. Paulina is at the hospital right now, trying to find some answers," Abe said. Kate asked if there was anything she could do to help. "I'll let you know. I just appreciate your company," Abe said.

After Abe and Kate joked about his coffee-making skills, Kate pitched a business idea to Abe. Kate explained that she wanted to produce a television show. "Obviously, it would be a learning curve for both of us," Kate said. Kate argued that she and Abe made a great team. "Also, Abe, I really miss working with you," Kate said. "I miss it, too," Abe said.

Abe asked about a cop show, but Kate shrugged. "How would we top [Law and Order]?" Kate said. Abe agreed. "So, what do you have in mind?" Abe asked. Kate told Abe that Will had urged her and Abe to find a passion project. After a moment, Abe confessed that he had become a fan of the soap opera Body and Soul. Kate laughed. Abe talked about why he loved the show.

After Abe showed Kate some of his favorite soap, he asked Kate what she thought. Kate admitted that the show was captivating. "My only concern is that I read somewhere that soaps are a dying genre," Kate said. Abe argued that a lot of shows borrowed storylines from soaps.

"Maybe we could shoot it here. And perhaps that would be cheaper," Kate said. Kate said she would be willing to invest, and she had a few contacts that might also invest. Abe grinned. "I think we're going to do this," Abe said. Kate suggested they start researching. "I am really excited," Kate said. Abe agreed.

At the hospital, Paulina asked Kayla if Chanel had been discharged. Kayla said she did not know, but Chanel was physically fine. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Kayla asked. Paulina admitted she had been unable to rest because she did not know if she was the cause of Chanel's pain.

"Miscarriages are more common than people think, and it could have been caused by any number of things," Kayla counseled. Paulina argued that the doctors had not ruled out that the radiation was the cause. "Chanel blames me. I blame myself. So, I need to know. Now, is there any way to tell for certain what caused my daughter's miscarriage?" Paulina asked. Kayla agreed to look at Chanel's chart, but she reminded Paulina that she could not discuss it without Chanel's consent. "That's fine. Even if it turns out I was at fault, at least she won't have to live with the uncertainty," Paulina said.

In Chanel's hospital room, Chanel sniffled back tears as she told Johnny about her dream. "We were at our baby shower. And I had this huge belly. And all our friends and family were there. And we were all so excited to meet our child," Chanel said. Chanel described the shower, and Johnny smiled at her. "I was so happy, Johnny. And you were, too," Chanel whispered. A tear spilled down Johnny's cheek as he smiled at Chanel.

"And then I woke up, and I realized that we would never, ever meet Noelle or Noel because he or she is no longer with us," Chanel said. Johnny climbed into Chanel's bed to hold her as she started to sob. When Chanel calmed, she asked Johnny if he had talked to Peyton Russo. Johnny shook his head no.

"I left him a message last night, but I haven't heard back from him," Johnny said. Johnny noted that the director had bigger issues to focus on than Johnny's absence. Johnny's phone rang with a call from Peyton. After a brief conversation on the phone, Johnny ended the call. Johnny confirmed that he had been replaced on set. "Maybe you could join the production at a later time?" Chanel said. Johnny chuckled, and he noted that he did not want to be anywhere other than with Chanel.

Paulina was pacing the hallway when Johnny pushed Chanel's wheelchair out of her hospital room. "Are you going home?" Paulina asked. Chanel turned her face away from Paulina, and Johnny explained that Dr. Greene had released Chanel. As Johnny started to wheel Chanel away, Paulina asked to say something first.

"I don't want to talk right now," Chanel growled. "I promise it won't take long. I just want to say how sorry I am. If I could go back in time, I would do things differently. And I love you to the moon and back. And I never meant to harm you and your unborn child. Now, if you never forgive me, I get it. But even if you do, I will regret what I did the rest of my life," Paulina said. Chanel asked Johnny to take her home. Johnny started to wheel Chanel away, and Kayla returned.

"Chanel, I'm glad I caught you. I was just reviewing your lab results, and I think there's something you should know," Kayla said. "What did you find out?" Chanel asked. Kayla offered to talk privately, but Chanel encouraged Kayla to talk freely. "Dr. Greene knew that you had some concerns about the cause of the miscarriage. So, he ran some more tests, and the results just came back," Kayla said. Paulina asked if the cause had been radiation exposure.

"It wasn't. You had what's called a partial molar pregnancy. It's something that happens at conception. It's not very common, and if you like, I can certainly get you some information on it. But basically, the fetus wasn't viable from the very beginning," Kayla said. Chanel asked if that meant that she was always fated to miscarry. Kayla nodded yes. With tears streaming down her face, Chanel jumped to her feet and hugged her mother.

"Ma, I am so sorry that I blamed you for everything," Chanel said. "You shush. You have absolutely nothing, nothing to apologize for," Paulina stressed. "But I was so cold to you, so mean," Chanel countered. Paulina told Chanel that everything would be okay. Kayla informed Chanel that they would need to monitor her for a few months. Worried, Johnny asked why. "It's unlikely, but just to make sure there's no complications," Kayla said. Worried, Paulina asked Kayla if she could monitor Chanel remotely in L.A. Chanel announced that was not necessary, because they had decided to stay in Salem.

Stephanie visited Marlena at the penthouse, and she confirmed to Marlena that Steve was out of the hospital. "But I'm guessing you didn't ask me here for an update on my dad," Stephanie said. Marlena informed Stephanie that Everett had not made any progress. "Bobby is still in control," Marlena said. Marlena explained that she and the Bayview staff wanted Stephanie to talk to Bobby, since Stephanie knew Everett well. "That's why you asked me here?" Stephanie said. Marlena nodded yes. Stephanie admitted that although she had been close to Everett, she had not spent enough time with him to get to know him.

"Wouldn't a relative be better?" Stephanie asked. Marlena noted that she had no information on Everett's family. "At this moment, you're our best bet," Marlena said. Stephanie agreed to help. Marlena reminded Stephanie that Bobby was a volatile personality. "I'll do whatever I can to get Everett back," Stephanie said.

When Paulina returned home, Abe asked if she had talked to Kayla. Paulina told Abe that Kayla had confirmed the reason for the miscarriage. "[The pregnancy] wasn't viable from the moment of conception," Paulina said. Abe noted that Paulina was not at fault. Paulina started to cry as she hugged Abe.

"I was just so afraid that Chanel was going to hate me for the rest of her life," Paulina confessed. "That would never have happened. She would have forgiven you eventually," Abe said with a chuckle. When Abe noted that Paulina would be able to support Chanel, Paulina smiled. "It will be a whole lot easier to be there for her now because, well, Chanel and Johnny have changed their minds about moving to L.A.," Paulina said.

At the DiMera mansion, Johnny and Chanel cuddled up together on the couch. "It is such a relief to know that the miscarriage wasn't my fault or my mom's. It just wasn't meant to be," Chanel said. "We're going to get through this, my love. Together," Johnny said. Chanel told Johnny that she was sorry he had lost out on his dream job. Johnny said it was not a big deal. "Besides, sharing my life with you, the best person that I know, that is already a dream come true," Johnny said. Chanel told Johnny that she loved him.

At the police station, Steve gingerly walked into the bullpen and greeted Jada. "I was going to come to you," Jada said. "I saved you a trip. What's up?" Steve asked. Jada told Steve that she needed to book him for a felony. With a nod, Steve asked if it was about how he had helped Clyde escape from prison. "Are there any other felonies that I should be aware of?" Jada asked. "Not that I can recall," Steve said. Steve told Jada that he waived his rights.

"I'm just wondering why we are doing this now. Justin was working on a deal for me. Did that fall through?" Steve asked. Jada confirmed that a plea deal was still possible, but because Steve had confessed to the crime, she was required to process him. Jada escorted Steve into the interrogation room, and he gave her an edited version of the real Clyde escape story.

"[Clyde] double-crossed me. And then your former colleague, Officer Goldman, hit me on the back of the head and knocked me out. When I came to, they were both gone," Steve said. Jada asked if there was anything else that Steve wanted to add, but he said that was the whole story. Jada stopped recording the confession.

"Off the record, I totally get what you did and why you did it. Your son's life was at stake. And you knew you couldn't trust the Salem PD because Goldman was on Clyde's payroll. So, you had no other choice but to bust him out," Jada said. Steve thanked Jada for her candor. "Do you think a judge will feel the same way?" Steve asked. Jada told Steve he had a good chance at leniency. With a smirk, Jada noted that the only problem was that Steve's story was a lie.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked. "It's not your motive that I'm questioning. It's the means that don't add up," Jada argued. Jada asked Steve if Ava had been involved. Steve reminded Jada that he did not trust Ava. "If I wanted someone to watch my back, it wouldn't be her," Steve said. Jada narrowed her eyes, and she noted that Clyde had sent the video of Tripp and Wendy to Ava.

"[And Ava] sat on that video for some time. So, that makes me think that she's been planning something," Jada said. "Not with me," Steve countered. Steve reiterated that he was the only person that Clyde had asked to break him out of prison. "Even though Ava admitted to the police that he was trying to blackmail her?" Jada asked. Steve reminded Jada that Stefan had taken responsibility for the drug business at the Bistro.

"That woman has a way of getting men to take the fall for her, doesn't she?" Jada said. "Some men," Steve conceded. Jada asked Steve why he had protected a woman that had done horrible things to Steve and Kayla. "Because she's Tripp's mom?" Jada asked. Steve remained silent. With a sigh, Jada noted that she had eyewitness accounts and video evidence that there had been two people in Hazmat suits at the prison.

"Who was the other [person]?" Jada asked. "Goldman. Who else?" Steve countered. Jada asked if Steve's partner John had been involved. "We're partners at Black Patch, but we're not partners in crime. Now tell me something. Do you have any actual evidence that I'm lying to you about what happened that night?" Steve asked. Jada admitted that she only had a hunch. "Well, your hunch is wrong," Steve said.

With a shake of her head, Jada noted that her father had always told her that Steve was trouble. Steve smirked. "How does Kayla feel about this? About you taking the fall?" Jada asked. Steve admitted that Kayla had been disappointed with Steve's actions but that she had understood his motive. "[Kayla] is on board with me taking responsibility for it," Steve said. Steve promised to make things up to his wife.

After Steve was processed, Jada informed him that he had ten minutes to get to the courthouse for his bail hearing. "I'm really glad Justin was able to put that together so fast," Steve said. "Me, too," Jada admitted. Steve apologized for having frustrated Jada when he had given his statement. "You did. But it's only because I care about you," Jada said. "The feeling is mutual," Steve said. Steve told Jada that Marcus would be proud of her. "Just like I am," Steve said. Steve and Jada hugged.

At Bayview, Bobby was working out in his room when Marlena and Stephanie arrived. "What do you two want?" Bobby asked. Marlena asked to talk to Everett. "We know that Everett lives inside you, and that's because you're protecting him. We're not here to hurt him," Marlena said. Bobby argued that there was no reason to make Everett confront and relive his past.

"We just want to help him," Stephanie said. "You two don't know the difference between helping someone and hurting him. Get the hell out of here," Bobby argued. Bobby returned to his workout. Unfazed, Stephanie approached and spoke to Bobby as if he was Everett. "I know you're in there, so please, just talk to me. You don't have to be afraid," Stephanie pleaded. Bobby told Stephanie that she was wasting her time.

"Everett, you know you can trust me, like I trusted you when you helped me with my breakup with Chad. I can help you deal with whatever happened to you in your past," Stephanie said. Bobby groaned. "I have been in here for weeks. Where have you been?" Bobby asked. Bobby argued that when things had gotten tough, Stephanie had abandoned Everett. "Like everybody else," Bobby said. Stephanie insisted that she cared.

"You only care about yourself. You're such a liar. My God. I do what it takes to protect Everett, okay? From everyone, and that includes people like you," Bobby said. Bobby told Stephanie to leave. "Everett," Stephanie said. Bobby reiterated that Everett was not available. "I want nothing to do with you. I find you desperate and pathetic and unattractive. You do nothing for me," Bobby said. Stephanie demanded to hear Everett tell her that. Stephanie grabbed Bobby by the shoulders.

"Let him out, you bastard!" Stephanie yelled. After a moment, Stephanie released Bobby and backed away. "This isn't working. We need to go," Marlena told Stephanie. Stephanie apologized for having lost her temper. Bobby joked that he would check with the admin about a room for Stephanie.

"I know you think you're protecting Everett, but you know what? You're making things worse," Marlena said. Marlena argued that Everett would never be safe or free until he confronted his past. Bobby argued that he had kept Everett alive. "If you two keep pushing, no one will ever see Everett again," Bobby threatened.

After Marlena and Stephanie walked out, Bobby returned to his workout. In his head, Everett asked Bobby to let him out. "Shut up," Bobby muttered. "You should have let them talk to me. What you said to Stephanie about me not wanting her, it wasn't true," Everett said. "What you think is true and what I know to be true are two very different things," Bobby said. Bobby argued that he knew what was best for Everett. "And it sure as hell isn't Stephanie Johnson," Bobby said.

At the Brady Pub, Kate was reading her tablet when Kayla walked over and asked Kate what had her so engrossed. "Abe and I are thinking about collaborating on a new business venture," Kate admitted. Kayla asked about the business. When Kate mentioned the soap opera business, Kayla was surprised. Kate explained that Abe had suggested the idea.

"Do either one of you have any experience with producing a soap opera?" Kayla asked. "Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a soap opera. But otherwise, no, we don't," Kate said. Kate started to talk about her research, then she gasped. "What is it?" Kayla asked. Kate announced that Body and Soul had been canceled.

At the police station, Stephanie marched up to Jada and begged her for help. "I'm worried we're going to lose Everett forever. And the only way to stop that from happening is for you to speak to Bobby. You need to speak to your ex-husband, Jada. Please," Stephanie said.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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