So many choices, so little time! I've been thinking-the one thing I love about OLTL is also what I hate the most: the writers never quite give the viewers what they want. They keep us hanging and keep us coming up back by offering us multiple choices for many different storylines. Obviously, the writers appeal to a wide-array of viewers this way by giving everyone just a little bit of what they want. On the other hand, it's enormously frustrating not to have a definitive story. Just take a look at what I mean...consider all of these possibilities:
Jess or Tess as the dominant personality?
Tess and Nash together as a couple?
Jess and Antonio?
Antonio or Layla?
Should the baby be with Antonio?
What about the baby being with R.J.?
Should Bo be with Paige?
Or should Bo be with Nora?
Are John and Evangeline the better couple?
Or does that honor go to John and Natalie?
But where does that leave Natalie and Cris?
See what I mean? There are so many choices, but none of the choices are necessarily ones that are permanent. For example, we've been teased for well over a year that Bo and Nora will eventually be reunited. When Daniel was arrested for the murders of Jen and Paul Cramer, there was a glimmer of hope that once Nora forgave Bo for his public declaration of Daniel's homosexuality (and crimes) that they would romantically pair up again. Fast forward several months and the recasting of Paige has seemed to jump-start the Paige/Bo relationship while relegating Nora to laying in a hospital bed in a coma. I will concede that Paige has warmed up to me. I love, love, love Kimberlin Brown, but I'm just finding that our new recast seems to have an engaging persona about her. I like her a lot more than I anticipated, and I suspect the powers-that-be feel the same way---hence, the newly revived love of Bo and Paige! Does that mean I'm giving up on Bo and Nora reuniting? Absolutely not! But for this particular story, I'm enjoying my options and choices for now.
This brings me to another triangle, or sort of, that I'm ready to be finished with...Tess/Nash/Jess/Antonio/Layla (okay, maybe that's a little more than just a standard "love triangle"). I absolutely love Tess. No ifs, ands, or buts. I could care less if Jessica ever comes back as the dominant personality. With that said, I think Antonio needs to move on with Layla leaving Tess as the permanent alter and Nash as the boyfriend/daddy to her child. That is, of course, MY choice. I know that there are a myriad of other ways this storyline can turn out. The baby could be Antonio's. Jess could stay out, realize Antonio is the baby, but run into Nash's arms because she felt the love Tess felt for him. This would create yet ANOTHER custody battle for Antonio! Interesting scenario. Or, Tess could stay out as the alter, realize Antonio is the father, but join up with Nash to fight Antonio. And the possibilities go on and on. I really love the fact that the Jessica D.I.D. storyline was only meant to be a short-term story; however, based on the great fan reaction and the wonderful performance by Bree Williamson, this story was given an extension that doesn't seem to have an end in sight. As a result, I feel it's been drug out a little TOO far. It's definitely time to let the rest of the family in on the big secret Jessica has been hiding, and once they find out, I hope there is one helluva fight to keep Jessica sane (although wouldn't it cause quite a quandary to have some members of the family realize that they like Tess a little more???).
And as for John and Evangeline? Ugh. I'm so exhausted over this. It seems this has been ongoing for years! I can barely stand to think of Evangeline and John still having feelings for one another even though John has decided to give love a try with Natalie (like John even knows what "love" is!). And what happens once she finds out he has been keeping the secret about Cris? They break up? He goes back to Evangeline? Would she actually take him back? Quite frankly:
With all of these choices, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Clint Buchanan to the family the week of the 24th, and I'm also dying to find out how Viki reacts to her daughter's D.I.D. problem. Will Viki and Clint find true love again? Will Clint reunite with former wife Lindsay (let's not forget they were briefly husband and wife!)? THOSE are choices I'm willing to sway back and forth upon. Hey, any storyline that gives Catherine Hickland a chance to prove her mettle to these head honchos is one that is worthy of my attention!
Now, it's time for another message board debate! Take a look at all of the choices there are on OLTL right now. Which ones are YOUR picks and explain why. What other choices are open for viewers right now that haven't been mentioned? I'm anxious to hear all of your intelligent thoughts and debates!
Enjoy your week,